“This is College” is a show on KAOR 91.1FM hosted by Giana Smith and Hunter Olson, two sophomores who met through being in the same classes and who have formed a sibling-like relationship that comes out through their banter. It airs on Mondays at 7pm. Unfortunately, I was unable to speak with Hunter, so this will be mostly on Giana.
The show is about giving advice on college and talking about how they navigate through it. They also talk about random things like shower thoughts, relationships, and nostalgia.
Giana’s role in the show is to come up with ideas. She switched from majoring in Business Marketing to Strategic Communications with a minor in Social Media Marketing and Business Marketing. She switched for more hands-on learning experience. When she graduates, she plans on being a Social Media Managers, but other than that she does not have any plans as long as she is financially stable and happy. One way she keeps happy is by living by the phrase “YOLO” which means you only live once. She also looks up to her mother because she is kind, and Giana thinks she should be kinder. She describes herself as selfish and obsessed with herself and she is not sorry about it because she used to be a big people pleaser. Whenever she listens to music, she uses the app MUSI, and she listens to “Loves Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5 and “Easy” by Lionel Richie. She also listens to a playlist she created full of happy, early 2000s songs that remind her of time she spent with her grandmother.