Dua Lipa is an Albanian singer/songwriter. One fun fact about her is that her first name means “love”. She is an activist for feminism especially. Her new song “Training Session” compares trying to win a competition to trying to win her love.
Throughout the song, she sings through confusion on whether or not she should trust a man, who she loves, to open up and give him her love. She has been hurt before, and she is afraid that she will be hurt again, but because of her feelings, she cannot decipher if this man is trustworthy enough to put her energy into.
Dua continues by listing out her boundaries of wanting someone to hold her tightly and take control. She must feel loved “like a rodeo”, which I believe could mean two different things. She could say this out of wanting love to be exciting, or she could mean she wants a chaotic relationship. She could also possibly mean she wants a dangerous type of love. I believe Dua Lipa wants a love that could take a little bit of all of these things.
She continues singing more desperately for this type of love. She explains that she likes to give her exes the benefit of the doubt in a way, so she can see them in a “good light” in order to be nice, but she does not want to do that anymore. She wants someone to actually treat her right, and she hopes to find this person right in front of her.
She dares the man she is singing about to decide if he wants to love her or leave her. She encourages him to fight to love her without someone else having to tell him to do it.
Dua Lipa’s new song “Training Session” is about wanting love in this world of heartache. She wants this man to step up and show her he is trustworthy, so she does not get hurt again. I think she did a good job comparing the song to being in a competition, especially during the bridge. I felt that I was in her mind whenever she was desperately asking questions to herself in the verses of the song about the possibility of a new relationship, so I think she did great job expressing these feelings.